Massage therapy and chiropractor visits go hand in hand.

The Benefits Of Combining Chiropractic Care and Massage

If you’re familiar with either visiting the chiropractor and massage therapy, then you’ve likely learned the benefits of these two therapies quite well for yourself. You might have also heard about the numerous advantages that the other one has to offer. However, have you ever considered that visiting the chiropractor and massage therapy can work together with tremendous synergy? They can and getting consistent massage-work paired up with chiropractic adjustments will do wonders for your health and how you feel.

Evexia Family Chiropractic dives into the benefits of chiropractic adjustments and chiropractic care along with massage therapy. 

Chiropractic Massage vs Regular Massage

It is beneficial to combine massage therapy and chiropractor care, but let’s define both therapies first.  

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic care and massage therapy combined.

Patient receiving consultation for chiropractic care and massage therapy

Chiropractic adjustments are intended to reduce restrictions and misalignments throughout the human body’s joints and spine. These adjustments reduce both pain and inflammation while enhancing the broader functions of impacted joints and the nervous system. Chiropractic work is highly controlled, using minimal force and gentle pressure. Many patients feel some level of notable relief immediately following their adjustments.

Massage Therapy

Massage work focuses less on the bones and more on the muscles and tendons of the human body. A well-trained masseuse can apply various techniques in which to manipulate the tendons and muscles which are impacted by pain or inflammation. Swedish-style massage is a traditional type that boosts the circulation and flow of blood of a patient while relaxing them. Deep-tissue massage involves slower movements that target specific muscles using concentrated pressure, and trigger-point massage relieves any areas that are noticeably tight and resulting in pain. 

The muscles of your body function through a combination of coordinated movements and proper timing. This happens because of the messages they get from your nervous system through your spinal cord. When restriction and inflammation in both the nervous system and muscles are reduced, your body is then more capable of both communication and functioning. Regular practice of visiting the chiropractor and massage therapy are an effective means to improve your health and wellness.

Once you get a massage, you have muscles that are loose and relaxed, which means that chiropractic adjustments become more effective. That results in pain relief lasting for a longer stretch of time. Also, when massage therapy treats your soft tissues, you get to heal faster with realigned joints.

More Benefits of Combining Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care

If all that isn’t enough, there are other benefits to visiting the chiropractor and massage therapy.

Massage therapy and chiropractor visits go hand in hand.

Patients receiving chiropractic care and massage therapy

Increased flexibility is one of them, as is a better immune system functioning. You can enjoy a wider range of overall motion and better blood flow throughout your body.

Massage therapy can make your chiropractic treatment considerably more effective, given how much it can relax your nervous system and muscles. This naturally means that any chiropractic treatment you get afterward will be more effective. Patients that are specifically suffering from tension and stiffness can take advantage of massage therapy prior to their chiropractors going to work.

Chiropractic care can target the source of specific pain. Evexia Family Chiropractic practices conservative, non-invasive procedures that are effective and safe. Spinal adjustments may seem scary, but the treatment is natural and does not hurt. Spinal adjustments restore proper motion to your joints. If you suffer from back pain, headaches, or neck pain, visiting the chiropractor and massage therapy are the best pain-reducing therapies. 

Combining Visiting the Chiropractor and Massage Therapy for Athletes

Given that chiropractic care targets specific pain and massage work improves blood flow and circulation, it can mean more optimal athletic performance. This doesn’t even have to be for professional or serious athletes. If you’re just looking to stay fit and keep in shape, or even just maintain your weight, then exercise is crucial to your lifestyle. The combination of massage work with skilled chiropractic work helps active individuals stay in a state of peak performance for more calories burned and fewer injuries. A chiropractor can iron out any nagging injuries or pain, while a massage therapist can keep your body in great shape.

Reducing Stress and Recovery Time

Everyone gets overwhelmed with life from time to time. The combination of these two therapies reduces stress levels a lot more than you might have thought possible.

Furthermore, when you pair these two together, you can enjoy faster recovery times than you would get if Visit Evexia Family Chiropractic to receive chiropractic care and then visit your massage therapist for massage only used one or the other. Your recovery is also going to be far more thorough. Both therapies improve the circulation in your body, which is great in specific problem areas. A good massage reduces blocks and breaks down lactic acids, whereas chiropractic work alleviates the pressures that are put on nerves due to subluxations.

You’re likely now convinced of the value of getting both therapies, but of course, you can’t physically do both at the very same time. So, is it better to do the massage first or the chiropractic work? Talk to both therapists about it of course, but for the most part, it’s better to get the massage session first. When the chiropractic work comes second, the body can recover faster, which lets your muscles and nerves align faster. You’ll also have less soreness.

On the other hand, if you get sore from chiropractic work, you might want to do the massages after those sessions. It gives you a chance to recover from the chiropractic sessions and heal faster from the pressure and movements if they cause you discomfort.

Evexia Family Chiropractic cares deeply about the health and well-being of their patients. Combining visiting your chiropractor and massage therapy is so beneficial in many ways. After reading this article, if you have any doubts, call us today! Make Evexia Family Chiropractic your natural choice for health care.