Chiropractic Dry Needling in Lee’s Summit
At Evexia Family Chiropractic, we use Dry Needling in Lee’s Summit to treat a wide range of medical issues. For example, when the body has an injury, the damage causes inflammation and a chain reaction of events that may result in tense bands of muscles and trigger points. When these trigger points arise, the entire muscle and muscular chain become dysfunctional. We use Dry Needling to restore appropriate muscle length, reduce pain, and increase mobility.
Our passion is providing high-quality care for our patients to improve their overall health. To ensure we provide outstanding services and outcomes, we receive the best training available in utilizing filiform needles and tailoring therapy to each patient’s specific needs. Additionally, Dr. Perkins attends continuing education seminars and training for musculoskeletal patient care to provide the most optimal and up-to-date Dry Needling services.

What is Dry Needling?
Chiropractic Dry needling (DN) is a skilled intervention that uses thin filiform needles to penetrate the skin to help stimulate the underlying myofascial trigger points, muscle tissue, and connective tissues in the body.
Dry Needling is a less invasive procedure used by Evexia Family Chiropractic to enhance blood flow and break up damaged or stuck soft tissue. Dr. Deborah Perkins, our chiropractor, employs the procedure to relieve pain in a range of patients. Rather than a one-size-fits-all treatment, each patient receives a tailored treatment that is unique to them.
Our chiropractor will penetrate the skin and target a myofascial trigger point with a tiny needle, similar to acupuncture. The needle insertion causes an involuntary twitch response and a range of metabolic processes, which decreases muscular tension and aids in the restoration of normal function. For individuals experiencing muscular discomfort or dysfunction, Dry Needling in Lee’s Summit may be an excellent option to reduce or eliminate pain!
What Is the Purpose of Dry Needling?
The purpose of Dry Needling is to manage neuromusculoskeletal pain and impairments to movement. This technique treats patients with dysfunctions in persistent peripheral nociceptive input and reduces or restores the body structure and function impairments to improve overall activity.
Dry Needling in Lee’s Summit can help lessen or eliminate musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain. Below are some of the conditions that can benefit from this procedure:
- Achilles tendinitis
- Back pain
- Carpal tunnel
- Headaches
- Jaw pain
- Knee pain
- Little leaguer’s elbow
- Neck pain
- Nerve entrapments
- Plantar fasciitis
- Sciatica
- Shin splints
- Shoulder pain
- Tennis elbow

How Does Dry Needling in Lee’s Summit Work?
Dry Needling, when directed to an active trigger site, can initiate several physiological processes. A local twitch reaction is the body’s characteristic response to dry Needling (LTR). An LTR is an involuntary reflex or twitch that occurs inside tight, adherent tissue.
The Dry Needling procedure works by causing an interruption to the communication at the muscle’s motor-end plates. Thus enabling the muscles and brain to relearn to communicate. Which results in reducing or restoring the body’s structure and overall function, leading to a reduction in pain and improved range of motion,
During the procedure, we insert Filiform needles into malfunctioning or tight tissue. The needles are very fine, 0.3mm diameter, short needles that do not have a hollow center for injecting fluid. The needle placement is in the myofascial trigger points, encouraging intramuscular stimulation to enhance blood flow in the affected area and muscle knots—this aids in releasing trigger points and muscular tension, resulting in less discomfort and lower acid levels. In addition, electrical stimulation is widely used in conjunction with Dry Needling to relax muscles and control neuromuscular activity.
Evexia Family Chiropractic has significant knowledge in Dry Needling, allowing us to tailor treatments to each patient. As a result, patients receive therapy specific to their needs. We may use Dry Needling and other manual therapy techniques and corrective exercise to successfully treat conditions like back pain, fasciitis, headaches, knee pain, nerve entrapments, and more.
What are Myofascial Trigger Points
The term Myofascial is two distinct parts, with “myo” describing the muscle and “fascial” being the connective tissue that stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs. Trigger points are merely knots formed by muscle groups that shorten when activated but do not lengthen to relax. As a result, the knotted muscles remain “balled up,” resulting in stiffness, discomfort, and tension.
The trigger points cause sensitive nodules to form in the muscle, and the muscles tighten, compressing the capillaries and nerves. As a result, the muscle cannot move effectively, get fresh oxygen and nutrients, or expel excess acidic substances.
Trigger points come from damage from sports/activity, a lack of activity, or both, in addition to bad posture or improper body mechanics. For example, patients with a myofascial trigger point may experience discomfort or pain when touching the affected area, stretching or moving, or resting. Additionally, they may have limited joint mobility and a loss of coordination or strength of muscle contraction.

How do Soft Tissue Adhesions Form?
Soft tissue adhesions play a role in creating trigger points and manifests in various ways depending on the patient’s lifestyle. For example, we encounter patients with these fibrous bands due to bad posture, improper movement, surgery, and trauma. Although they are a natural part of the body’s healing process, they can cause pain and stiffness.
Muscle overuse without adequate recovery can frequently result in adhesions and scarring. Muscle overuse and adhesions can develop from microtraumas (small tears), a lack of oxygen, and acute causes like injuries, tears, pulls, collisions, and more.
Scar tissue and adhesions rely on collagen to repair themselves. Collagen is a structural protein in the bones, ligaments, muscles, skin, tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissue. Collagen is incredibly strong due to its cellular alignment, allowing it to withstand pressures such as stretching and tugging without breaking.
Following an injury, the healing process draws in new cells, some of which are collagen cells. However, scar tissue may form when the body does not reorganize the collagen cells to make healthy tissue. As a result, the cells might clump together, causing discomfort, pain, and limits in flexibility.
Dry Needling in Lee’s Summit FAQ
What is the difference between Dry Needling and Acupuncture?
Although both use comparable needle sizes, Dry Needling and Acupuncture are distinct therapies with distinct roles in healing.
How safe is Dry Needling?
Evexia Family Chiropractic is concerned about the safety and wellbeing of our patients and would not recommend a procedure unless it is in their best interest. However, with any medical process, there are risks associated with Dry Needling in Lee’s Summit. Therefore, we do not recommend DN for children under the age of 12 years old. For more information regarding Dry Needling or to discuss the associated risks and advantages, please contact our office.
Is Dry Needling painful?
The vast majority of our patients do not find Dry Needling in Lee’s Summit to be unpleasant. Instead, many say that it is unpleasant, not because of the needle, but because of the muscle contraction associated with the required twitch reaction.
How long does dry Needling take to work?
In many situations, better mobility occurs immediately, and pain relief occurs within 24 hours. However, most patients require a few sessions (once a week for 2-3 weeks) for a long-term favorable effect.
We are Passionate About Our Patients Health
At Evexia Family Chiropractic we are passionate about the health and wellbeing of our patients. Regardless of the source of a patient’s soft tissue adhesions, we can employ Dry Needling to address the many symptoms they cause. However, the objective is to focus on each patient’s goals to provide the best possible outcome.
We encourage our patients to ask questions about Dry Needling in Lee’s Summit, whether on a phone call, zoom call, or in our office, to determine if Dry Needling is right for them. For more information on how we can help you lead a more productive and healthier lifestyle, contact us today!