chiropractic care and neck pain

Neck Pain Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Did you know 1 in 3 people suffer from neck pain? Pain in your neck can be debilitating, exhausting, and downright frustrating. The neck plays an important role in your body’s ability to function, providing support and mobility to your head.  Even though neck pain is a common medical condition, do you know what exactly causes the pain, what the symptoms look like, and how to treat it? Keep reading for Evexia Family Chiropractic’s answers and solutions to stiffness and pain in your neck. 

Neck Pain Causes

Let’s look at the variety of reasons you may be suffering from neck pain

Learn about the symptoms, causes and treatments for neck pain

neck pain causes symptoms and treatments

Muscle Strain and Tension

Because your neck holds the entire weight of your head, neck tension is a common grievance. Poor posture, sleeping in an awkward position, and whipping your neck during exercise are all causes of muscle strain and tension in your neck. Neck strain and tension can affect you gradually or abruptly and, in many cases, disappear suddenly. On the contrary, if neck tension and strain are ongoing, there may be a more serious reason for neck pain

Trauma or Injury

Car accidents, sports injuries and other trauma can often lead to severe neck pain and whiplash. Whiplash is when the head is thrust into hyperextension and then quickly pulled forward into flexion. Moreover, whiplash can lead to neck strain or damage joints and disks, resulting in irritated spinal nerve roots or the spinal cord. 

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Neck Pain Causes

What is rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can cause joint pain throughout your body including neck pain. Studies show 80% of people with rheumatoid arthritis suffer from cervical pain. The severity of the pain can vary from patient to patient. However, with an injury, poor posture, etc., the pain lessens over time. In contrast, rheumatoid arthritis neck aches do not heal over time without expert treatment. 

what are the causes of neck pain

Neck pain causes and chiropractic treatment


With more than 3 million US cases per year, fibromyalgia is the second most common condition that affects your bones and muscles. One of the most regular symptoms of fibromyalgia is widespread pain throughout the body, including the neck. How exactly fibromyalgia causes pain is still under study. Whether the pain develops in the neck or the pain originated in another area but moved to the neck, experts agree it is highly likely that neck pain will be a symptom of fibromyalgia. 


Meningitis occurs when the protective membranes, the meninges, which cover the spinal cord and brain, become irritated and infected. Early indications of meningitis include flu-like symptoms along with stiffness in the neck. Considering the seriousness of meningitis, remember to see your doctor right away if you are experiencing the early symptoms of this health condition. 

Heart Attack

If present with other symptoms including shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and arm and jaw, neck pain can be a sign of a heart attack. Heart attacks are usually caused by a blood clot that stops the blood flow from entering the heart muscle. As a result, the attack can cause pressure, cramping, or squeezing pain in your chest and may spread to your neck. If this occurs, call the ambulance immediately. 

More Causes of Neck Pain

Other causes of neck pain include osteoporosis, spondylosis (known as osteoarthritis of the neck), or a herniated cervical disk. Furthermore, stress, anxiety, and low social support have all been linked as possible causes of neck pain

Very rare causes of neck stiffness include:

  • Cancer of the spine
  • Infections
  • Abscesses
  • Tumors 

If pain in your neck does not go away in a short period of time, consider the different causes Evexia has mentioned. Visit your doctor if the pain worsens and becomes overbearing and persistent.

Symptoms to Look Out For 

Neck pain can be associated with a variety of other symptoms, but most commonly accompanied with dull aching. Other symptoms include headaches, numbness, tingling, range-of-motion problems, fever, and throat pain. Symptoms of neck pain often lessen as time goes on. On the contrary, if symptoms are persistent for over a week, seek medical help at once. 

How Neck Pain is Treated

chiropractic care and neck pain

neck pain chiropractic care treatments

Treating neck pain ultimately depends on the cause of the ache and the severity of the discomfort. If the pain in your neck is minor, try applying ice for a few days and after the ice, apply heat. While over the counter pain relievers may also help ease the pain along with rest, Evexia Family recommends staying away from pain relievers. Instead, try to practice good posture, and exercise your neck every day.  You may be surprised how quickly you recover by taking these simple steps to relieve the pain. 

If pain in the neck is severe or from an injury, a thorough physical exam is necessary. Your doctor will go through your medical history and may use blood tests, MRI scans, X-rays, or CT Scans to figure out the cause of the pain. Once the cause is identified, medical treatments for neck pain consist of physical therapy, muscle relaxants, antibiotics, or more serious hospital treatments if meningitis or heart attack were the cause. 

Chiropractic Doctors may recommend neck strengthening exercises and even neck bracing to prevent the pain from returning. Alternative treatments for neck pain your doctor may suggest are massage therapy and acupuncture.

Chiropractic Care and Neck Pain Causes

Chiropractic neck adjustments, also called cervical manipulation, ease the joints along the cervical vertebrae of the neck. First, the chiropractor will locate the source of the pain while asking important questions about the neck discomfort. Done by hand, neck adjustments improve spine mobility and restore your range of motion. As a result, the manipulation relieves pain caused by pinched nerves and muscle spasms. Expert chiropractic care aims to fix the source of your neck pain, instead of solely the symptoms. 

Chiropractic neck adjustments by the chiropractic doctors at Evexia Family Chiropractic are effective in treating many causes of neck pain. Feel better and stronger without pain medication or surgery at Evexia Family Chiropractic. Dr. Perkins with Evexia Family is here to help improve your health by devising a plan that works for you and your unique symptoms and conditions including neck pain