the ultimate guide to tummy time

Tummy Time With Your Baby

Tummy Time is an important activity to help stimulate your baby’s development.  Here are some good reasons why you should spend some quality tummy time with your baby.

Reasons why your Baby needs tummy time: 

  1. Increases strength in neck muscles which helps your baby hold their head up.
  2. Helps to form appropriate spinal curves especially in the baby’s neck.
  3. Decreases the amount of time your baby is on their back, which may lower their risk for plagiocephaly – a flat spot on the back of baby’s head.
  4. Promotes interaction with you and your baby.
  5. Your baby will learn skills during tummy time that they will use and benefit from for the rest of their lives.
  6. Tummy time helps stimulate neurological development.

Positions For Tummy Time:

  • Lay baby tummy down on your chest.
  • Lay baby tummy down on your legs while sitting in a chair.
  • Lay baby tummy down on floor with a rolled up towel under arms and chest.